from an article by lonely planet :
by: Leif Pettersen
I'm only translating it, not from me, this is so helpful for me. I do really want to kill some people.
下面我有說到很多次小V V,小V V是我的旅遊好buddy. And I don't want to kill her.
1. Natural selection
Spontaneity during travel is great, but not so much when selecting a travel companion. Pick a friend whose company you consistently enjoy in a variety of situations. More often than not, blasting off with someone you don’t already know well is going result in trip-curdling disharmony. That includes your drinking buddy, that smokin’ hot babe you’ve dated for two weeks, and even the achingly attractive, witty, travel writer you met in the hostel’s breakfast room.
1. 隨性選擇 (自然選擇)
在旅遊中有自發性是很好的,但是選擇旅伴就不是那麼好選了。選一個每次都會陪伴你然後享受各式各樣狀況的朋友(小V V)。 很多時候,跟一個你不是很熟的人去旅遊只有會毀了一切。那也包括你的"酒咖朋友"、你在一起過兩個禮拜超級無敵辣的辣妹、你在飯店早餐室遇到的旅遊作家。
2. Setting expectations
Discuss your general vision of the trip. Vacation? Work trip? Urban exploration? Beaches? If one person is a go-go-go, see-see-see type and the other is a chill-at-sidewalk-cafes type, friction will quickly arise. And have you ever seen control freaks travel together? Messy. Carefully consider what you’d like to accomplish on your trip and communicate this with your prospective co-pilot.
討論你這次旅遊想要走的路線。度假? 打工度假? 城市探險? 海灘? 如果一個人是個瘋狂哪裡都願意去、什麼都願意嘗試,而另外一個人卻是坐在路邊咖啡廳放鬆的類型,很快就會有摩擦。 還有你有看過控制狂一起旅行嗎 (有啊,我跟小V V)。下場會很難看(我跟小V V是沒有這種狀況)。 仔細的思考你在這次旅途中想要達成的事情,然後好好的跟你的淺在副駕駛討論溝通一下。
3. Budgets
The last straw for many strong relationships has occurred while standing on a busy street in pouring rain, two miles from the hostel, when one person would rather walk, saving the €1.50 bus fare, and the other just wants to be dry. Ditto for the salivating foodie whose friend can only afford self-catered bread and jam dinners. Before you start planning, establish each other’s comfort preferences and available funds for things like accommodation, food and transport.
4. Divide and conquer
It’s perfectly fine to split up when you’d each prefer to do other things. Resentment grows quickly when one person is made to feel like they are catering to the other person’s itinerary too frequently. Equally, splitting up, whether it’s for three hours or three days, will soothe mounting frustrations. It’s not a sign of trouble or failure, it’s just good policy. Additionally, you’ll have copious stories to share when you reunite.
4.分開 跟 攻取 (這我不知道怎麼翻最順不好意思)
5. Night and day
A discussion about daily routines is a good idea. An incurable night owl is going to wear down a morning person in a hurry.
6. Be considerate
After you’ve found the right companion, a little on-the-road finesse is essential. Be conscience of your companion’s mood and fatigue. Balance each other’s needs. Be neat. Don’t hog the bathroom. And for the love of Buddha, don’t bogart the wine.
在選好對的旅伴之後,一點點在路上的小手段是不可避免的。要注意你的旅伴的心情、他會不會疲倦。 要保持乾淨,不要獨佔廁所、不要把廁所用的很亂(so true)。 (最後一句我實在不明白他要表達什麼,所以我自己加入我想說的) 各個信仰不同,不要冒犯到對方,要尊重對方。互相去平衡各個人的需求,習慣。
AND THIS IS FROM ME/ 然後這是來自於我之前打的一些機歪規則
1. 很囉唆怕熱怕髒不敢吃路邊攤不感體驗人生就不要來了,因為我什麼都想嘗試,你不想我不會鳥你
2. 我會逛街購物,但我只會重點式的逛,我可能不會等你慢慢逛,因為出國時間很寶貴,我會焦慮,所以要接受我隨時會消失的恐懼感,但我會跟你說怎麼回去、怎麼殺價 等等...因為我已經去過一次了,有些地方不會重複去,我會跟你說怎麼去,幫你叫計程車跟他講好
4. 我不會配合你的時間,你也不需要配合我的時間,出國時間真的很寶貴,你想要幹麻就去幹麻,因為我想幹麻我就會去幹麻
5. 我晚上要喝酒,你不能阻礙我。 歡迎加入我的"出國之醉生夢死/ live drunk, die dreaming"行列。
6. 如果有義大利緊身內褲帥哥等級的帥哥說要跟我走,你也不能阻礙我。如果有長的很NO的男的想跟我走,麻煩捶他
7. 你沒有看"海灘/The Beach",不可以去,你要先看了然後領悟真諦才可以去
8. 希望各位真心的享受人生,好好放鬆,好好看世界,青春只有一次,要留下美好記憶
9. 如果去5天,我需要2天放空的時間,就讓我去吧,我怕黏~~~
10. 我是個神經有問題的女生,你要有心理準備