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oh yes, who doesn't need this slogan? |
I've seen this slogan all around the internet, can't hide to you that I just found out what it really meant a month ago, my history sucks I know. Thanks to WIKI and Google I finally know what it means.
from Wiki ↓
Keep Calm and Carry On was a propaganda poster produced by the British government in 1939 during the beginning of the Second World War, intended to raise the morale of the British public in the event of invasion. Seeing only limited distribution, it was little known. The poster was rediscovered in 2000 and has been re-issued by a number of private companies, and used as the decorative theme for a range of other products. There were only two known surviving examples of the poster outside government archives[1] until a collection of about 20 originals was brought in to the Antiques Roadshow in 2012 by the daughter of an ex-Royal Observer Corps member.[2][3]
簡單來說在第二次大戰時英國政府設計出這樣的標語,"KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON"還有海報來激勵人心,要保持冷靜、堅持信念、繼續往前的意思。
Ok, that proved me stupid and lack of knowledge, but hey, I know now !
And this is what I found interesting, people now either is so creative or retarded (no offense, I'm retarded too), they make it their "own slogan".
(NONE of these are made from me, all from the almighty internet, thanks for that, and sorry no offense to any, I love your work okay? don't report me)
this is one of my favorite, it makes me think of why I always want to draw sometimes when I'm stressed and feel bad about myself. It does make me calm, but my paintings is always showing "YOU ARE EITHER CRAZY OR FUCKING STRESSED AND DARK"
這是我最喜歡的其中之一,會讓我想到我每次不開心或是焦慮的、自我感覺不良好的時候我就會想畫畫,當然會讓我冷靜下來,只是我每次畫出來的畫表達出來的都是 "你他媽心思很亂很黑暗"
oh yeah, I would love to do that every time if I could. Am I cold blooded? Or is it just an issue of "Been there. Done that. Don't scare me no more."
Gosh how old am I? I'm trying to be logical here.
-Ok, if there was a flying cockroach on my face I would panic like hell and freak out.
-if there was a snake on the plane I would panic but not freak out, I'll call Samuel Jackson.
-if I lost all my money, I would panic for a bit but not freak out because what's done is done. (I might be calm and try to steal a bank.) (just thinking, I haven't done it yet, don't arrest me)
-if I lost my love, I would panic but try not to freak out and deal with it, get it back if it's worth it. ;)
-if I happen to broke my leg while walking down the stairs. I would first laugh at myself and try to be cool. Never freak out. Looking cool counts.
you get my logic now?
-我如果失去我所有的錢,我可能會慌張一下但一樣不會錯亂,因為發生的已經發生了。(我可能會冷靜下來開始計畫如果搶銀行) (我只是想想而已我還沒做)
this one is the same for as for "keep calm and draw". yeah, it's quite useful when you have a nice hobby and interest when you feel like shit. At least there's still something that'll make you feel good about yourself.
ok, I have to say, Batman is not my favorite super hero, but if it was George Clooney or Christian Bale I can accept. ;)
I would like to call Kick-Ass instead, he seems nice to hang out and chill, drink some beer, watch him to stupid stuff, better for calming, no?
Or if Batman would give me 50% of his porperty that'll calm me too.
我得說蝙蝠俠並不是我最喜歡的英雄之一,但如果是喬治克魯尼霍是克利思丁貝爾我可以接受 ;)
Well, this is for everybody that works from Mon-Fri. Blue Mondays :'(
這是給周休二日的上班族群。藍色星期一 (哭哭)
And the last. It so fits me.
No need to say more.