Inspired by Matt Blease |
It has been another one of those weeks, and me trying to balance everything so I wouldn't go mad...work, exercise, yoga, drink with friends, try to party a bit, play with my dog, watch some movies, read some books, do some studies, draw something...chat with an old friend, meet some new friends, spend some quality time with my family, get a spa...do a massage... try to actually write a blog a week.What does it take for one to accomplish all that within one week time? And I'm for sure not the busiest person at this age. WHAT THE HELL.
Well...I'm still very positive on this thought...as one of my favorite quote from Einstein;
"Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep balance, you must keep moving."
As I'm trying to list out and draw down my conclusions on this week...I've realized how important my google drive and iCloud are, and how too many social platforms can be very controlling and misleading what is most important in our lives now. Well, I knew that already, it is just very tempting and hard to resist, I need to remind myself time to time....
Dreamer these days can make their dreams come true via the internet and all those social platforms, all they need is the likes, loves and a touch of the ego balloon. Self-confidence, self-esteem + ego and popularity and there you have it.
Not saying anything bad at dreamers, I consider myself sometimes a dreamer as well, life would be so boring without dreaming. I'm just saying I'm cynical and I felt like complaining a bit on this beautiful Sunday afternoon, and on this dreamers-to-be-blogspot.
I wish there are 2 Sundays in a week sometimes...So someone can talk to me about books I would like, some movies I should watch, what music would make me fall in love, what funny blog I'd like to share...send me pictures that you know I'll appreciate, and what comic book you know I will like,but it's in Italian, there's also a French version, but you would say you'd never forgive me if I read the French version :-P. Ask me what is my logic for some serious things, ask me about my day, my week, my dog, my work. All we've ever needed was this cloud, a cloud where we can keep some soul.
I've found the English version now, all is fair.
"Inspire me while I'm with myself"