
How my iPhone 4s got jacked in Cambodia.

How I dressed.
Simple enough. (Well, so I thought)

click to see bigger image

And it happened in less than a minute.

Bye bye memories of my iPhone 4s.
Bye bye.

How Ms.PMS ever started

I remembered it was the year or 2012, winter, as my menstrual cycle again struck me. It was so painful I literally wanted to cut my uterus out. Well obviously I can't do that.

And I still needed a way to let it out, so I drew this ever first sketch of the PMS comic:

I've lost this first sketch somewhere. I might find it again when I get really famous and I can auction this sketch.

It is always good to have dreams.


A Guide for Men to choose tampons.

I once was in miserable period cramp and had no help at home at all except my 7-years younger brother(he was 17 at that time if I remembered correctly) . I literally had no other way, so I asked him to get me some "NIGHT-USE tampons". And it is the first time ever in his life to purchase tampons on his own.

He first had this face "WHAT? THERE'S NIGHT AND DAY?". Oh the confusions for a little guy.

So he went down to the shop, called me within 5 mins and shouted "WTF?! THERE'S SO MANY CHOICES FOR NIGHT USE WHICH HELL ONE SHOULD I BUY AND IT'S ALL BLUE OR GREEN OR PINK". That was the first time he went hysterical. And he is a calm kid.

And sadly, I had to explain which one to buy and why.

"Um...get me the 28cm ones, not much blood this time"

And still he lives.

Ms.PMS coming soon (actually already came) / 經前症候群小姐

After years of procrastination, laziness, lack of inspirations, and all the other excuses. I've finally started this little blog of mine or to say, where I complain how painful my period cramp is.

Follow my facebook fan page Ms.PMS 經前症候群小姐 for the latest updates, as I really can't find space to fill in Chinese and English in all my drawings, this blogger shall be my translated version. 
