(First of all would like to thank all the people that was involved in this journey. ;) )
And dedicate this to my very old friend, my tour guide who didn't get any sleep taking me out, who took care of me in a really princess way , you know who you are :) cam on! I'm spreading the love you gave.
And thanks for this foot on the first day of my arrival, you made my day.

After a while of traveling, tourist attractions no longer attracts you, and you start to realize shopping like hell and helping another country's economic growth is not really smart when you go back home, worst of all, when you are back you realize 90.4% of the stuff you bought is useless,or even the wrong size, the only good thing maybe is you spent all your money and you are motivated to work more. Taking pictures with tourist attractions with a peace pose starts to seem stupid and checking in on facebook starts feeling like you're just trying to show off just like guys take pictures of 20 different chicks and posting commenting "Dinner with Vicky tonight....Brunching with Mallory...etc" just to show how lonely this guy is, yet you don't really think he actually scores with any of them. I'm quite sure he doesn't even get a hand job from them.
I guess it's all up to how you care about others look at you, but never believe anyone too much, especially the mainstream ones. (the gracelee cynical speech)
Buildings are still buildings, Statue of Liberty is always standing there looking greenish blue, never going to be my favorite hot pink, historical museums are still telling you about the history, they won't tell you about how corrupted the city is nowadays and how police would stop you from crossing the red light and ask you to give them money, and Big Ben is always going to be Ben but not Bernard.
2-3 stars hotels are that kind of people, like me on a kind of budget but not willing to live anywhere lower, and of course, the lovely and noisy Mainland Chinese tour groups. 4-5 stars hotels are people with big cocks,big balls and huge boobs.
Hostels are always filled with backpackers, duh?
The backpacker areas are always filled with cheap beer bars, drunk tourists who wants to shoot out some sperms, or to swallow some, prostitutes, vendor selling you cigarettes, or weed, selling you souvenirs 10 times the regular price.

I guess when it happens all over the world you start feeling numb and curious about what the nature of human really is, what is the true meaning of traveling for all of us? I feel like I've seen too much and I can't handle it anymore at times.
我想是不是當世界都是這樣運轉的你開始麻痺開始想人性本質到底是怎樣? 旅行真正的意義對我們來說又是什麼? 我有時候覺得我看過太多東西然而我有時候無法再承受了。
Oh yeah, enough of my speech...
Take a rest and drink a ca phe sua da.
ok I stole this from google image. |

Below is not a normal tourist traveler guide, I would say it's more a...."how to be a local as a foreigner when traveling", but still, I did do some of the tourist stuff, after all it is my first time in this wild yet spiritual country. Yes, I did no homework at all this time before going, shame on me, boo hoo.
Anyways, when you decide to go to HCMC, few tips I suggest you. (as a beginner traveler in Vietnam, or just in HCMC)
- When you are out from the airport, like any other corrupted cities, Taxis will cheat you, I got scammed 540,000 VND more.
Do realize the meters have the big numbers in front (usually they start off by around 11,000, or so I observed), and you add THREE ZEROS on the back, not FOUR. SHIT! Well, I would still recall this as a good experience, else I won't be here spreading my love.
- 當你從機場出來的時候,就像其他遭受貪污的國家,計程車一定會騙你錢。我被多騙了540,000越南盾。
請務必了解計程車上跳表器上有兩個比較大的數字(通常是11,000起跳,但這是我觀察的)然後你在後面是加三個零,不是四個零,幹! 不過勒,我還是得說這是個很好的經驗,因為我如果沒被騙我不會在這分享我的愛。
-Live in District One. Try "The Luxe Hotel", not bad, and clean, quite new, very close to Ben Thanh Market, and it's the central of the city.
-住在第一郡,試試看"The Luxe Hotel" (全部連結請至英文那連結),不錯、乾淨、滿新的,而且很靠近檳城市場,是市中心。
- WATCH OUT FOR TRAFFIC 360 degrees. BRING EAR PLUGS or HEADPHONES. You will hear BEEP BEEP BAAA BAAA on the traffic all the day, there's no red light. Ok there is, but they don't think it's red light.
- 務必小心360度周遭的交通狀況。戴耳塞或是耳機。你會整天一直聽到逼逼叭叭的,那邊沒有紅燈。好吧,那有紅燈,但他們不覺得那是紅燈。
越南交通法則: 綠燈-我可以走、黃燈-我可以走、紅燈-我還是可以走 |

- 他們沒有麥當勞,他們有肯德基、農特利,還有漢堡王。我只有看到一個星巴克,其它的是當地的 "Highlands Coffee"。還有另一個是" The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf"。所以如果你真的很怕食物中毒的話,你至少還有些可信任的好朋友在這,還有你也可以看這些連鎖集團他們弄得行銷跟為不同地區食物飲品改變口味。但試試看當地的食物也是不錯,只是真的要很小心路邊攤...........

- Vietnamese iced coffee are sweet shitless, "CA PHE SUA DA" iced coffee with milk. Still worth the try, I got addicted to it since I tried the "THAI style coffee yen, thai iced coffee" Really sweet, they add sweeten milk inside. But now I'm getting worried for my diet and health I'm sorry ca phe sua da, I will miss you, but my belly won't. I do know Europeans are going to want to kill them for making coffee taste like that.No even to mention they mostly only drink "iced" coffee. Vietnamese Iced Coffee knowledge here
- 越南咖啡甜到我要灑屎,"咖 啡 捨 達" 是冰咖啡加煉乳。還是滿值得試試看的,我自從在泰國喝了他們類似的冰咖啡後就有點上癮,泰國是叫"咖啡菸"(冰咖啡的意思)。真的很甜,因為他們加滿大量的煉乳在裡面。但我現在開始會擔心我的健康還有身材所以對不起了咖啡捨達,我會很想念你的,但我的小腹不會。 我知道歐洲人一定會很想把他們這樣喝咖啡的習慣殺死。根本別提他們幾乎都是喝"冰'咖啡了。
Time for ca phe sua da again
- 務必在吃飯前洗手。
- Do not be afraid my fellow Taiwanese, there's tons of free WiFi here, in shops, in cafe shops, not to worry.You may check in all you want. Just open your mouth and ask "Wifi? Wifi?"
- 親愛的台灣同胞們不要害怕不要慌張,在這有很多免費的wifi可使用,在店面、咖啡廳裡都有,不要擔心。你隨時隨刻都可以打卡。只要張開你們的嘴巴問他們"wifi?wifi?"
- Cross the road by following locals or these militia . Very wise choice for beginners not wanting to be killed.
- 尾隨著當地人或這些民兵過馬路。是個對於初學者怕被撞死比較明智的選擇。

- Many museums here usually are closed on Mondays, so, it would be wise not to go there on Monday. You may still go if you want, you can try, yes you can.
- 很多博物館禮拜一都是公休的,所以你不要禮拜一去造訪比較聰明。不過你還是可以去,如果你想要的話,你可以試試看,恩。
1. . War Remnants Museum , close from 12-13.30, 15,000 VND mostly only pictures of the war, does make people think a lot and start thinking you want to do something good to this world or join the peace corp or whatever, but I assure you these thoughts will only last around 3 hours after you get a cold beer. It is quite worth going anyways, learn a lot about the Vietnamese war and about there are no low people, they were just born in a bad time, bad country. Oh yeah, don't go if you just ate.
1.戰爭博物館,12-13.30是休息的,15,000越南盾,幾乎都只有戰爭時拍的一些照片,但的確會令人開始省思,會去想你是否該起身去做些好事了或是加入什麼慈善機構的,不過我保證你這個想法大約過了三小時你手上拿到一杯冰啤酒的時候就不會有了。 滿值得去的,學到了很多越戰時的故事,還有這世界沒有低等的人,他們只是出生在不對的地方,不過的國家。 還有剛吃完飯不要去。
another break for ca phe sua da
\ |
You should really be happy you weren't born in those ages...god bless.
2. Fine Arts Museum, 10,000 VND, you can go, but you don't really have to go, the whole building is very historical and nice, so is the toilet, very historical. Some paintings are actually really nice, but sorry for my city illness, there's not AC in this museum, I'm sweating like hell while trying to calm down and get into the painting and all I feel is like mirage in the desert.
2.精細藝術博物館,10,000越南盾,你可以去,但你其實又可以不用去,整個建築物是滿有歷史性的而且不賴,當然廁所也是很有歷史性。 有些作品也很棒,但抱歉了我的都市病,裡面沒有完全沒有冷氣。我汗噴得亂七八糟然後盯著一些畫看想說了解一下這幅畫的含意但感受到在沙漠幻景出來了。
3.Saigon Opera House, okay, I didn't go inside, it's pretty but I was fed of off all buildings buildings buildings. The most interesting is at night, just behind and in the corner of the opera house, you will see lots of people gathering there drinking "milk tea", which is sold by an old woman with no cart vendor, she just has tons of plastic cups lined up on the floor, a box filled with ice. A cup is 8,000 VND, we tried, thanks to my local guide AK, it tastes...like fruit tea with sweeten milk...yes...yes...I'm sure she's a "trillionaire..", no rent at all.
4.Central Post Office, please read history here - click me. Alright, another building left behind by the years of when Vietnam was a part of French Indochina.
5. Notre Dame Cathedral . Okay, I am quite fed up by this point, it's all buildings but very beautiful for sure, but gates were closed so I couldn't go inside. Gosh I get bored so fast.
-The beach, the Vung Tau.....................please don't try to go when you did not plan anything or know nothing about the place. not all beaches are magical and filled with bikini chicks or abercrombie guys with their swim shorts...

I've got this song stuck in my mind while walking on the Vung Tau beach side...burning hot...dehydrated...broke...no water...............I really felt when you get a mirage when you are dizzy in the desert this time.
Alright, enough of the tourist attractions. These are the must-sees by me. MOI!!!
- Vietnamese mad skills with their motorbikes. And what they carry on the bikes.
I went to a bookstore and discovered a book just about this, "Bikes of Burden" by Hans Kemp.
His photography works on insane skills of Vietnamese and their bikes...seriously insane.

- Taiwanese betel nuts some where in district 5. This is something I can't express in English.
- Pha Ngu Lao Street, really, it's like the Khao San Road of Bangkok, the backpacker area, with cheap beer, pimp on their bikes making a "chic chic chic" noise with a weird looking instrument asking alone male travelers if they want "lady boom boom" Anyways, it's a good place to have a drink with friends or a good place if you want to get laid with a stranger not being afraid of getting HIVs. I guess it's a worldwide thing.
-范五老街,真的,這就像是曼谷的拷山路,背包客區域,便宜的啤酒,皮條客們騎著他們的腳踏車用著一個會發出"起剋起剋"的樂器在那招攬寂寞男子旅客問他們要不要"lady boom boom"。不過,這裡是個跟朋友一起來喝酒不錯的地方,還有如果你下面癢想跟一個陌生人來一砲加上你不怕得性病的話來這不錯。我想這是一個全球性的問題。
and there's no time for ca phe sua da at night.
- Pho Hoa, wow, I can say the best pho in town I guess. I don't have any other words to express how good this is.
- (請點上面連結) 我對於這個牛肉河粉沒有太多話要說,就是很好吃。
- SHUTTLECOCK in the park with locals. Don't ask, when you go there you will see this weird-named sport is quite interesting. And how locals play it so effortless.
- 足毽,在公園跟當地人踢足毽。這個"球"英文翻譯過來的話是"來回的雞",也別問到底為什麼要取這麼詭異的名稱了,這運動還滿有趣的。而且當地人玩起來感覺毫不費力,別說什麼足球小子了吧他遜掉了,他們整個下半身洞上半身不動的。
I had the honor to have a local teach me about the techniques of this sport.CAM ON!
and after this sport.
- Phatty's Sports Bar Grill, good place when you want to feel you're not in Vietnam, British sports bar, good food, and food looking like tits.
- Phatty's Sport Bar Grill 當你想感受不太像在越南的時候這是一個不錯的地方,英式運動酒吧,食物不錯,而且食物還看起來像咪咪。
In conclusion of this trip, just look at how many ca phe sua da that came up. That will be my conclusion.
I'll see you again Vietnam.
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