
Taiwan News Time Table / 台灣新聞週期表

This is cynical.



I'm once again in the period of turning on the TV, when I hit to the Taiwanese News, I would switch channels in 0.5 seconds. If I really wanted to watch some "news", I would watch CNN, BBC, or to read some news online on Wall Street Journal, the Asia Edition. (Not really bragging about my English, I'm just saying)


I'm already feeling numb about the Taiwan News daily reports, it's always the same news over and over again, or they actually grab some "news" off FaceBook or on YouTube.

而主流新聞會這樣是因為台灣人的習慣嗎?還是台灣人很好從媒體操縱? 然而媒體也知道台灣人的健忘、容易煽起一窩風以及多麼容易遭到盲目的洗腦。然後我們會說這是民主,我們有自由的權利去吸收任何的資訊以及知識。狗屎。

Are the mainstream media like this because of what Taiwanese like to read and their habits? Of useless knowledge, and very easy to manipulate, easy to brain wash,  as the habits of Taiwanese are like a stampede for a while and easy to forget. And we would say this is democracy to have freedom to have any information and knowledge. My ass.

我來舉一些例子吧,對於洪仲丘發生的事覺得他很無辜也確實非常同情他的遭遇,我完全沒有要攻擊他的意思。但是新聞連續報了快一個月關於他的新聞大家看了都煩,也讓我覺得台灣媒體是覺得台灣人很笨很健忘所以才要連續提醒大家一個月這件事情嗎? 而這件其實對我們來說無關緊要的事情,我們是需要討論多久? 我們關注這件事對我們的改變有多大? 失業率會有所提高嗎? 我們薪水會增加嗎? 政府官員會因此不再貪污嗎?

For example, the Taiwanese military man got abuse to death incident that happened recently has been on the news for almost a month, I mean, really, that's the only news now. I do pity the guy but I don't think it's something we should keep on discussing for a whole month. For the reality, it's not really our priority news. It's only annoying for now. It also makes me think that the Taiwanese Media thinks we are stupid and easy to forget things so they have to keep reminding us the whole month this tragedy in our little "country" happened. For us, following this news does not gain much knowledge and yet doesn't help us, it's not going to improve unemployment rate, or our salary, the politicians are not going to stop corrupting, and the two parties in Taiwan will only make it more personal, and keep fighting towards each other. World is this big and Taiwan is this tiny, and split in TWO parties. Our news will always be tiny because we the way we think is tiny.

這整個新聞並不是一直要把重點放在他多可憐還有現在當兵多可怕。應該是要自我反省我們的偏差行為。你想想就在台灣而已(這是一個全球的問題,但我現在只講台灣,因為要好要先自我反省) 有多少有權有錢的男人會因為自己權力過高而做出這些不好的事情?

This whole news is not about the poor guy and how bad the military is now. It should be self-reflection of our behaviors. Just think in Taiwan, (just for now in Taiwan, I know this is a world-wide issue) how many powerful and rich men are not overwhelmed by their powers and wealth and does "bad" behaviors?

The solution to all this is "power".
Take their power away and they have nothing.
Which reminds me of this movie. "The Experiment"

And, when we have the next new "headline", this news will be history and disappear, like always, and people will forget about it.

你們還記得上一次連續播報的新聞是什麼嗎? 你可以花幾分鐘想一下,我想應該會有一部分的人想不起來。
Do you remember the previous non-stop reporting news? You can think for it for a few minutes, I think some will not remember.

Philippine Coast Guard shoots Taiwan Fisherman.

So, what happened to this news

No Power, No Money, means no voice.

We are too busy thinking in our little circles and causes us even smaller in the international field.

So my cynical speech will end for now.

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