
hi BANGCOCK, we meet again / 嗨曼谷,我們又相見了

(Yes, I know I spelled Bangkok wrong, I did it on purpose)

The fact that I've been to Thailand too many times, I should have lose my passion for it,  I am Grace after all.
But I have not, I actually find every trip to Thailand different, and makes me discover more things every time, good and bad. And the place still inspires me very much.

Good discovers/好的發現:

  1. I am well-aware of the insane traffic jams in Bangkok, do not drive or take a taxi during rush hours, and there are many rush hours in Bangkok: 6-9 take kids to school, go to work time, 11-1lunch time, 5-10 off work off school time. Which means traffic jam all the time, except for pass midnight.Walking is a very good and healthy option when you go some where not too far away. / 我已經很清楚泰國那噁心的車潮了,在尖峰時間請不要坐計程車或者開車,在曼谷的尖峰時間很多: 6-9 帶小孩上課上班時間,11-1 午餐休息時間,5-10 下班下課時間。 代表曼谷無時無刻都在塞車,除了過了午夜。 去不遠的地方的話,用走路的其實是個相當不錯而且健康的選擇。
  2. I can now shop wisely without being robbed and getting ripped off  because I'm too innocent and kind. / 我現在終於可以聰明的購物,不再害怕被騙錢因為我人太好了,畢竟我也被騙過很多次了。 
  3. Platinum- a shopping center with air-conditioning, and good cheap nice looking clothes and shoes, you don't really have to ask for a bargain or worry that you might get ripped off. First piece is the regular price, you have to buy 2+pieces to get wholesale price. And if you ask directions or take the taxi there, and you do not speak Thai, remember, PLATINUM there is pronounced "PRA-TOO-NUM" / Platinum (水門市場),是個非常好購物、有冷氣、交通也很方便、衣服鞋子便宜又好看的購物商場,你在那邊其實不太用害怕被騙錢,他價錢其實都是固定的,第一件通常都是零售價,不會讓你打折,你要買兩件以上他就會給你批發價(但其實單件的價格也很便宜了)。 還有,若你要問路人或者做計程車去那邊的話,然後你不會說泰文,請記得,他們PLATINUM發音並不是正確的英文發音,發音是"普拉、兔、ㄋㄤˋ"。
  4. Always wear flops when you go to Thailand. / 去泰國請一定要穿一雙夾腳拖鞋。

Bad discovers / 不好的發現:
  1. The food is still very hot, sour , and way too sweet for my flavor. / 食物對我的口味來說還是很辣、很酸、過甜。
  2. The taxi driver will still cheat on you, not using the meter to charge, always take a taxi that uses the meter. / 計程車司機依舊會騙你的錢,不用跳錶的方式,用喊價的,記得永遠都要坐按跳錶的計程車,事實上在曼谷市區,若沒有瘋狂塞車,價錢超過200是天價了。

And for the things I've learned. / 還有些我學習到的事情:

- When you decide to torture your stomach and challenge street foods, do realize about 85.8% of the street vendors are not fully educated, although English is an international language, you might assume they should know some easy words, such as: ice, hot, shrimp, pineapple, watermelon....etc, but a lot of them still don't know, it's actually good enough if they know "how much, thank you , one, two...etc". Some area's street vendor's English is better, but the food and price are made for tourists. So if you go to some really Thai place, please don't humiliate them by saying too much English, just simple point out what you want. / 當你決定想要虐待你的腸胃,挑戰看看路邊攤食物,請知道大約85.8%的攤販們,其實並非受到良好的教育,雖然英文是國際語言,你假設他們一定會知道一些簡單的單字,例如:冰、熱、蝦子、鳳梨、西瓜...等,但其實事實是他們其實很多都聽不懂,他們如果聽的懂"多少錢、謝謝、一、二"就已經很不錯了。 有些地區的攤販英文會好許多,但價錢以及口味都是為"觀光客"研發的(表示價格昂貴些許,口味比較不道地)。所以如果你要去些比較深入泰國的地方吃些道地的食物,請別再羞辱他們講一大串英文了,簡單的用手指你要的就可以了。

- Iced coffee in Thai is pronounced "COFFEE YEN". (I've learned that because I got sick of drinking coke and the 97%sugar thai milk tea. Oh, and the taste-like-when-I-sing-in-the-shower-accidentally-drank-bath-water- bottled water). And the street iced-coffee is actually not bad! considering it's only like 15-30 baht per cup, only if you're not afraid of getting diarrhea, it isn't very sanitary. Someone did said something about drinking iced-coffee pass noon is wrong, I am sorry, I just can't take it anymore, the drink there is just not right. / 冰咖啡在那邊的發音是"咖啡,煙" (我學到這個因為我受夠了喝可樂還有大約有97%都是糖的泰式奶茶。喔,還有那個喝起來像我在洗澡唱歌時不小心喝下去的洗澡水礦泉水) 還有其實路邊攤賣的冰咖啡不錯,而且一杯只要15-30泰銖,如果你不怕拉肚子的話啦,是真的不是最衛生的食物,但試試也無訪。有個人曾跟我提過過中午後喝冰咖啡是不對的,但對不起,我實在受不了那邊的飲料了。

-Street artist are still brilliant and great  / 街頭藝人仍然很棒。

I am the type of person that appreciate all kinds of art, street art the most, it's more real and it's beautiful.
However, one day in my Bangkok trip, I decided to go study their 7-11, and I discovered these;

(ok, fuck blogger!!!!!! I can't get the pictures where I want it to be!!!!! fuck it!!!!!!!!)

Thai comic books, 5 baht per book, and this is something I'm trying really hard to appreciate it's beauty, I'm still trying.

And as for my study in TESCO, I've discover they've got "URINE BAGS" for sale, 160 baht.


And we shall meet again Bangcock, but not yet...not...yet......


to Allen

Although life may be black and white,

But with the passion we still have,

We can still make the world colorful.

Happy Birthday my friend, although I'm one fucking month late.
But I know you'll understand,I know you loooooooove me :)