
my fear of liquid dripping on my head

      I remember when I was little, around 6 or 7, I would look at the bird feces that are on car windows, park benches, statues, street lamps or where ever, and I would ask my older brother what are the chances of it dripping on my head or shoulder. As he was my older brother, he calmed me down by telling me that I'm a moving object, so it's really unlikely to have it on me, expect if I don't move. Yes, again as my older brother he will tease me and I'll actually believe it. So that theory made me a hyperactive kid for at least 5 years (well, when I was outdoor). Everyone would ask me why am I so scared of standing still when I'm outdoor, or why am I always looking at the sky. My explanation at that time is I am happy to be under the sun and I like I like to look at the sky. God knows it's actually quite poetic what I've answered before.

     As I age, I realize bird feces will drop on you no matter I move or not. But yes, chances are lower if I move. Which sounds like a quote now, "If you move often, you won't have shit on you" - G.Lee

     Believe it or not, I'm still afraid of it, it has traumatized me since childhood. I had a dream (or to say, nightmare) once. Was about all the possible liquids that might drop on my head, and I won't want to know what it is, so I will never raise my head up again.

    The worst part of that dream was someone was peeing on the balcony, and I just happened to walk by. Then it was someone jerking off on the balcony...spilling acid...drunk and throwing up....you get the idea. Speaking of drunk and throwing up on the balcony, it's not fiction. I got traumatized again while I was in London.

     Mr.Peter Man(sorry to mention your whole name, haha) was the host of this amazing house party, as I was so fresh in London, I would literally take pictures of whatever I thought was funny and interesting. So did this:" IF YOU'RE GOING TO THROW UP DO IT OVER THE BALCONY ONTO THE STREET". That is how I got traumatized again.

And this is what happened after 3 hours.

This is not relevant, but I just had to share it. I laughed so deeply when I saw the "three seashells". GO TACO BELL!

And that is my story of my fear. Life is short. You never know what will drop on your head.

Yeah I always end of irrelevant, get used to it. fin