
Yellow by Coldplay - 烏克麗麗


上傳的時間也將近一年了,對於自己烏克麗麗的技巧有沒有進步...當然是有...但是久久發現彈的好歸好,沒有用真心去彈的話,歌是沒靈魂的。 我現在終於懂了。(你懂嗎你懂嗎)




Yellow 這首歌其實彈起來不難(對於初學者),也不會太難按,你只要抓對了就好了,手指不會打結。





bro bro's love / 兄弟情誼

This is my dog, Pudding. The famous welsh corgi, he is British without the accent but still cocky. Lazy, fat, sneaky, but a loving and loyal dog.

Pudding's Profile 布丁的基本資料-
  • Weight/體重: 15kg (and rising)
  • Height/身高:  40.8 cm (standing)
  • Waist/腰圍:  25

This is my little brother Michael. Trying to look stylish with his GEARS.  Taiwanese and also cocky and uses swear words often to seem cool like what all teenagers do. (because he is 19). Skips classes sometimes which gets my swear word back, spends money on luxury stuff but not really needed, but, other than that he is a loving brother as well.
這是我老弟米糕。戴上他的裝備試著看起來很帥氣。 臺灣人然後也很跩(因為他19歲)。

Michael's profile/米糕的基本資料-
  • Weight/體重: 50kg (is like a bamboo stick too skinny)
  • Height/身高: 172cm 
  • Waist/腰圍: 25

Ok, now you know a bit about these two. Let me tell you, they are really good buddies, please see pictures below.

This is the "bro bro boo boo love."

【Sleep with me collection/跟我一起睡系列】

Pudding and his big ass.
Well, Pudding rarely likes to sleep with me, maybe because I'm no big fan of dogs in the same bed as me, no matter how much I love him. Sorry he still stinks.
But Michael don't care.
So this is what turns out sometimes, seeing them sleeping together, like it's normal, boyfriend girlfriend sleeping together, mommy sleeping with baby, brother sleeping with brother....

Cute, no?

But like all brothers, they fight sometimes.

But they still take care of each other.

Needless to say more. ;)