
Some ways to pose when taking a picture with The Leaning Tower of Pisa / 幾個與比薩斜塔拍照的POSE

Alright, admit it, there are only few ways to pose when you're taking a picture with the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and it is worldwide. (Come on, I thought people are creative these years)

1. 借位用手推 The Push
2. 借位用手指捏 The Pinch
3. 借位自以為老二 The Cock
4. 借位用身體靠 The Leaning
You can use your imaginations, I was standing there for 15 minutes and I didn't see anything else.

But I wonder if these people realize how silly it looks for people looking at them from other angles, I really do thank them for the entertainment and joy they brought me.

Let's push together so we'll look more creative.

She is so far away, you can tell from her hands.

This was the cock guy. 這就是那位老二先生

Oh here's a creative one, let's hug this tower. 這比較有創意了,用抱的
Hey let's push from both sides.
Hey look I'm leaning on it while these two dumb fucks are pushing.
And for those poor people taking pictures for them.
This guy is just lost.

Oh I'm the worst.

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